SSK engineering works (India) Pvt. Ltd. Quality management system upgraded from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015 and certification there of.
- Started facility of thickness gauging under class.
year 2017
One of tanker contact damaged below the underwater line, same job carried out under class within the time frame at Mumbai Anchorage Appx.
- 35 Tons steel also carried out fabrication & installation of exhaust gas economizer coils at Colombo dry dock and Bahrain dry dock.
- One of Bulk carrier vessel contact damage near accommodation same job carried out during sailing period by our sailing squad under class.
- One of offshore supply vessel’s Azimuth thrusters & Bow thrusters overhauled at Mumbai dry dock.
year 2016
One of passenger vessel refit work carried out within the time frame
under class at Port Blair dry dock.
- Company Received Certificate of –
NSIC: (The National Small Industries Corporation Limited) &
MSME: (Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises)
year 2015
One of Bulk carrier vessel’s 15 Tons capacity crane jib partially renewed
under class at Bhavnagar Anchorage, Gujarat also load test carried out.
- Jetty fenders (18 Tons) replacement carried out at Dahej, Gujarat by using floating crane and tug boat before time.
year 2014
One of cement plant at Panvel, Navi Mumbai based, replacement of
bucket elevator successfully completed by using skilled work force within three days and awarded to us.
- Complete fabrication and installation of cargo heater (900mm OD x 7.7mtrs long) of one of LPG vessel’s successfully completed under class.
- Propeller shaft 250mm OD x 7mtrs long of small cement carrier vessel’s repairing under class successfully carried out.
year 2013
Cement plant based at Panvel, bag filter fan replacement work carried out. One of vessels provision cranes jib (5 Tons & 3 Tons capacity) partially renewal under class successfully carried out.
- New sewage treatment plant installed and commission carried out on one of OSV Vessel under class at Vizag port.
- On twovessels at Vizag during launch of mission orbit, our team carried out installation of equipments on ship under supervision of ASRO’S scientist.
year 2012
Our Company awarded as Indian leadership for industrial development
within the span of ship repairer.
- Installation of new provision crane SWL 3 Tons capacity successfully carried out on one of OSV Vessel at Mumbai Port trust by extending additional platform under class.
year 2011
Our new branch SSK Engineering Works formed at Vizag (A.P)
year 2010
Our new branch SSK Engineering Works formed at Port Blair (Andaman & Nicobar Island) Aux boiler type ADM35H partially tubes renewal carried out during sailing period under class on one of oil tanker.
- on bulk carrier vessel life boat davit installation carried out during sailing period.
year 2009
SSK Engineering Works QMS upgraded from ISO 9001:2000 to ISO 9001:2008 and certification thereof, Aux boiler type ADM356 IHI partially tubes renewal carried out during sailing period under class on one of oil tanker.
year 2008
Offshore supply vessels refit work carried out at repair berth under class
society and successfully completed in time.
year 2007
OSV Vessels refit work successfully completed within the time frame at Hughes dry dock Mumbai Port trust.
year 2006
SSK ship repairing and engineering work Lanka (Pvt.) Ltd. Formed in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- A wholly owned subsidiary of SSK ship repairing and engineering works Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai.
- Recertification of SSK engineering works as per ISO 9001:2000 standards.
year 2005
SSK engineering works built two foot over bridges at Pandharpur for the devotees of lord Vitthal.
year 2004
Founder of SSK engineering works Mr. Vinayak B. Kale received the coveted Udyog Bhushan award from the Maratha chamber of commerce.
year 2003
SSK engineering works quality management system transition from ISO 9002:1994 to ISO 9001:2000 and certification there of
year 2002
Started calibration of pressure and temperature gauges onboard the vessels and in the workshop. Facilities inspected and approved by IRS and dnv.
- SSK engineering works received the coveted ISO 9002:1994certification. One of the first ship repairers among the west coast of India to receive.
year 2001
SSK engineering works commenced its foreign trade activates and bagged the contract for import and fitment of spares for SCI owned vessels.